Posts Tagged With: Stapel

Derailment: Faking Science: A true story of academic fraud, by Diederik Stapel (translated into English)

images-16Diederik Stapel’s book, “Ontsporing” has been translated into English, with some modifications. From what I’ve read, it’s interesting in a bizarre, fraudster-porn sort of way.

Faking Science: A true story of academic fraud

Diederik Stapel
Translated by Nicholas J.L. Brown

Nicholas J. L. Brown (
Strasbourg, France
December 14, 2014



Foreword to the Dutch edition

I’ve spun off, lost my way, crashed and burned; whatever you want to call it. It’s not much fun. I was doing fine, but then I became impatient, overambitious, reckless. I wanted to go faster and better and higher and smarter, all the time. I thought it would help if I just took this one tiny little shortcut, but then I found myself more and more often in completely the wrong lane, and in the end I wasn’t even on the road at all. I left the road where I should have gone straight on, and made my own, spectacular, destructive, fatal accident. I’ve ruined my life, but that’s not the worst of it. My recklessness left a multiple pile-up in its wake, which caught up almost everyone important to me: my wife and children, my parents and siblings, colleagues, students, my doctoral candidates, the university, psychology, science, all involved, all hurt or damaged to some degree or other. That’s the worst part, and it’s something I’m going to have to learn to live with for the rest of my life, along with the shame and guilt. I’ve got more regrets than hairs on my head, and an infinite amount of time to think about them. Continue reading

Categories: Statistical fraudbusting, Statistics | Tags: | 4 Comments

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