Monthly Archives: October 2017

Going round and round again: a roundtable on reproducibility & lowering p-values


There will be a roundtable on reproducibility Friday, October 27th (noon Eastern time), hosted by the International Methods Colloquium, on the reproducibility crisis in social sciences motivated by the paper, “Redefine statistical significance.” Recall, that was the paper written by a megateam of researchers as part of the movement to require p ≤ .005, based on appraising significance tests by a Bayes Factor analysis, with prior probabilities on a point null and a given alternative. It seems to me that if you’re prepared to scrutinize your frequentist (error statistical) method on grounds of Bayes Factors, then you must endorse using Bayes Factors (BFs) for inference to begin with. If you don’t endorse BFs–and, in particular, the BF required to get the disagreement with p-values–*, then it doesn’t make sense to appraise your non-Bayesian method on grounds of agreeing or disagreeing with BFs. For suppose you assess the recommended BFs from the perspective of an error statistical account–that is, one that checks how frequently the method would uncover or avoid the relevant mistaken inference.[i] Then, if you reach the stipulated BF level against a null hypothesis, you will find the situation is reversed, and the recommended BF exaggerates the evidence!  (In particular, with high probability, it gives an alternative H’ fairly high posterior probability, or comparatively higher probability, even though H’ is false.) Failing to reach the BF cut-off, by contrast, can find no evidence against, and even finds evidence for, a null hypothesis with high probability, even when non-trivial discrepancies exist. They’re measuring very different things, and it’s illicit to expect an agreement on numbers.[ii] We’ve discussed this quite a lot on this blog (2 are linked below [iii]).

If the given list of panelists is correct, it looks to be 4 against 1, but I’ve no doubt that Lakens can handle it.

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Categories: Announcement, P-values, reforming the reformers, selection effects | 5 Comments

Deconstructing “A World Beyond P-values”

.A world beyond p-values?

I was asked to write something explaining the background of my slides (posted here) in relation to the recent ASA “A World Beyond P-values” conference. I took advantage of some long flight delays on my return to jot down some thoughts:

The contrast between the closing session of the conference “A World Beyond P-values,” and the gist of the conference itself, shines a light on a pervasive tension within the “Beyond P-Values” movement. Two very different debates are taking place. First there’s the debate about how to promote better science. This includes welcome reminders of the timeless demands of rigor and integrity required to avoid deceiving ourselves and others–especially crucial in today’s world of high-powered searches and Big Data. That’s what the closing session was about. [1] Continue reading

Categories: P-values, Philosophy of Statistics, reforming the reformers | 9 Comments

Statistical skepticism: How to use significance tests effectively: 7 challenges & how to respond to them

Here are my slides from the ASA Symposium on Statistical Inference : “A World Beyond p < .05”  in the session, “What are the best uses for P-values?”. (Aside from me,our session included Yoav Benjamini and David Robinson, with chair: Nalini Ravishanker.)


  • Why use a tool that infers from a single (arbitrary) P-value that pertains to a statistical hypothesis H0 to a research claim H*?
  • Why use an incompatible hybrid (of Fisher and N-P)?
  • Why apply a method that uses error probabilities, the sampling distribution, researcher “intentions” and violates the likelihood principle (LP)? You should condition on the data.
  • Why use methods that overstate evidence against a null hypothesis?
  • Why do you use a method that presupposes the underlying statistical model?
  • Why use a measure that doesn’t report effect sizes?
  • Why do you use a method that doesn’t provide posterior probabilities (in hypotheses)?


Categories: P-values, spurious p values, statistical tests, Statistics | Leave a comment

New venues for the statistics wars

I was part of something called “a brains blog roundtable” on the business of p-values earlier this week–I’m glad to see philosophers getting involved.

Next week I’ll be in a session that I think is intended to explain what’s right about P-values at an ASA Symposium on Statistical Inference : “A World Beyond p < .05”. Continue reading

Categories: Announcement, Bayesian/frequentist, P-values | 3 Comments

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